DEM at EAIE 2013: Updates to

We are excited to announce that DEM will be exhibiting at this year’s EAIE conference which is taking place at the ICC in Istanbul between the 11th and 13th of September.
EAIE (European Association for International Education) is an internationally focussed association of higher education professionals and we are looking forward to discussing the important latest topics affecting international education and international students with other experts in the field.
We will be attending the event in order to showcase some exciting upcoming changes to The main change will be a faster, more relevant and user friendly search tool for our student users.
You can find out more about the benefits to your institution at the event by visiting us at the DEM stand (Stand Number 435) or make contact with us now for a preview of the updates and amendments we are making.
+44 (0) 1332 411 111